Halloween cookies mix

These cookies are so cute! Ehm… oh no, they’re absolutely frightful!! 🙂 Anyway they don’t take too much time and are pretty good. Only sweet shortcrust pastry with jam, chocolate or fresh cheese icing!   MAKES 20 COOKIES READY IN 30’ INGREDIENTS 1 sweet shortcrust pastry sheet (i’ve used Stuffer one) All-purpose flour to taste […]

Penne pasta cheese

An easy and beloved recipe! So creamed and savory.. really impossibile to resist. You only need four types of italian cheese to create a little piece of heaven. Let’s start:   SERVES 4 PEOPLE READY IN 12’   INGREDIENTS Water and coarse salt to taste 1 lb “penne” pasta   2 tablespoons “Gorgonzola” cheese ( […]

Dessert sandwiches with strawberries and mascarpone cheese cream

MAKES 10 SANDWICHES READY IN ‘30   INGREDIENTS ½ cup all-purpose flour ½ cup potato starch 1 teaspoon baking powder   3 eggs A pinch cream of tartar 2 tablespoons warm water 3 oz sugar 1 packet vanilla   1 tablespoon butter, melted Sugar to taste   8 oz mascarpone cheese ½ cup double cream […]