Piadina sfogliata (with freshcheese, zucchini and bacon!)

Pay attention: in Italy “Piada” and “piadina” are not the same!! There are smaller and thicker ones, the one with lard and those with olive oil, the classic ones and the sfogliata ones! (that is multiple-layer dough like puff pastry!) What’s coming off the cylinder today? just these (the ones I prefer): thin, with crunchy […]

Panuozzi (= pizza bread!)

You know it’s summertime, but here the rain seems to give us no respite! No better occasion then to prepare something special like panuozzi! Do you know them? They are sandwiches made with pizza dough filled as desired. In the recipe I’m explaining how to make them step by step, in simplicity. Come on, when […]

Mortadella stuffed crunchy boiled breadloaf

How delicious these loaves are! And not only because of the greedy mortadella and ricotta-based filling, but also because of the fragrant and rigorously homemade bread. I am a big fan of this type of recipes, especially those that involve the use of brewer’s yeast (I know the sourdough will be much better, but I […]