Mix vegetable omelette

Maybe I don’t want to think about the upcoming autumn, but today I’d like something decidedly summery … and what’s better than a freshly picked vegetables basket?         Thanks to the amount of eggs I have accumulated in the refrigerator (I always stock up because I use a lot of them but this time I […]

Vegetarian crunchy cracker

Do you want lightness? Then you can’t miss this easy recipe!     A thin, super crunchy pastry contains the best of the vegetables that can be found during this season at the greengrocer’s: zucchini, peas, green beans and cherry tomatoes.     So recommended as the base I used (a real novelty ready to use!), very […]

Veg and meat phyllo rolls

Crunchy and  crumbly outside, yummy and nourishing inside thanks to a top filling made of meat, vegetables and cheese!  I really prefer theese delicious bites than chinese ones! You can both fry or bake them and the result is the same:  such a good food!   SERVES 5 PEOPLE READY IN 50′   INGREDIENTS 2 […]